Blog Entries - 2016

District XIV Honor Band
Congratulations to senior flute player, Kelsey Lawless, for auditioning and being selected for the District XIV Honor Band! Kelsey will be representing Three Rivers as she performs alongside some of the best high schoolmusicians in the Tri-State
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Congratulations to the four Taylor High School November Students of the Month. Students are nominated for positive behavior throughout the month by teachers and staff. High School administrators and school counselors then choose a
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MAP Norms for Parents
A Parent's Guide to MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) What is MAP? Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) is a computerized assessment program that provides educators with information they need to improve teaching and learning. Educators use the growth and
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You will be able to view first quarter report cards electronically through Progress Book starting October 28. However, if you do require a hard copy due to limited or no access to a computer, tablet, or smart phone you will need to call the appropriate
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Lion King Jr. Play
Three Rivers Local School District Presents, Lion King Jr. Taylor High School's 2015 performance of the Addam's Family generated the drama department 27 CAPPIES nominations. This year's Lion King Jr. play promises to be equally as impressive with on stage
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SENIOR CONNECTIONS INFORMATION Taylor High School will once again be offering a Senior Connections Trip available to every THS senior student. The trip is a chance for senior students to bond with their classmates on a deeper level and to reflect
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October 11, 2016 Board of Education Meeting Cancelled The October 11 Board of Education meeting has been CANCELLED and rescheduled for October 25, 2016 at 6:00pm. This date was originally scheduled to be a work session, but has been changed to a regular
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Kick for the Cure
Taylor Men's Soccer plays the Ross Rams on October 6, 2016 for the Kick for the Cure game. Junior Varsity will play at 11:00am and Varsity at 1:00pm. This event will be a fundraiser for breast cancer research. There will be split the pot, games, and other fundraising opportunities.
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There is going to be a road closing of Buffalo Ridge Road, located between Zion Road and Gum Run Road in Miami Township. WE Smith will be conducting a landslide repair beginning Monday, October 3, 2016 thru December 23, 2016 (weather permitting).Hamilton
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Dear Yellow Jacket Supporter, On Thursday, October 6th, at 5:30 PM, the Taylor High School Yellow Jackets will kick off our 2016 Homecoming celebration with our annual parade. The parade will be followed by the student council Powder Puff games in the
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Report Cards have been released by the Ohio Department of Education. There is also a Report Card Guide available on the website to help better understand what the Report Card means. A
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Lion King Jr. Auditions
The Lion King Jr. Auditions IN ORDER TO AUDITION the attached application form must be completely filled out in legible handwriting, with both the student’s signature and a parent’s or guardian signature (for grades 5-8th grade). Bring back your
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CHARACTER EDUCATION AT THREE RIVERS How Does Our Community View Character Education?Our goal is to get every parent, student, community member, and staff to understand the importance of character education and help to incorporate the vocabulary into their
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Welcome to the new Three Rivers Local School District's website! Thanks to your input on the survey; we're excited to show off our easy-to-use website. The survey indicated some crucial changes were necessary for you to better navigate our website.
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Summer Office Hours (except for July 1st): 8:00a - 2:30p. Taylor High School and Middle School offices will be closed Friday, July 1st for maintenance. The Three Rivers Elementary office will still remain open. We apologize for any
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On Saturday, March 19th, the Taylor High School Senior Choir teamed up with the Walnut Hills Senior Ensemble and Chamber Orchestra to put on a benefit concert called Sing for a Cause. Each choir performed individually and then all of the groups joined
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Nick Swope and Piper Chatman won an essay contest and will be travelling to Winnipeg, Canada for a Human Rights Conference at the end of April. Libbie Schroth, Michelle Joseph, and Mrs. Murphy will be travelling with the students. This is part of the Crossing Borders Project.
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