Blog Entries - January 2018
Landscaping/Mowing RFP
RFP Overview This Request for Proposal (RFP) documents Three Rivers Local School District’s (also referred to as TRLSD) requirements for Landscaping and Mowing. This Request for Proposal (RFP) is intended to allow the Three Rivers Local School
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John E. Pepper Volunteer of the Year Award
Congratulations to TRES/TMS PTO President, Beth Reupert, for being named Cincinnatus Association's Volunteer of the Year. This award memorializes the outstanding volunteer service and leadership to education of John E. Pepper, former Chairman of Procter
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An Evening of Football with Kyle Rudolph
After school events update
After School Events Update: -Bowling - On (4:00 pm) -Junior High Athletics - All Canceled -TRCAA Athletics - All
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Book Drive
Destination Imagination Service Project - Book Drive
January 22-26
Donate gently used books to help children in our community. Please turn in your book donation to your teacher this week!
The winning grade level will receive an extra recess outside!
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NEW DROP OFF OPTION FOR COLD WEATHER DELAYS: Parents/Guardians,We want to thank you for your patience during last week’s two-hour delays. The decision to change normal school hours is never easy and is certainly
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Summer Art Camp 2018
The Acclaim Foundation Supporting the Fine Arts in Three Rivers Presents: Summer Art Camp 2018 for ages K-5th grade.
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