Student Council
Student Council Advisor: Caitlin Rudisell
Student Council serves as training experience for leaders, promotes the common good of the school, gives students a share in the management of the school, develops high ideals of personal conduct, acts as a clearing house for student activities, seeks to interest students in school affairs and helps solve problems that may arise. Members of the Council are the students’ representatives and their liaison to the school administration.
The Student Council is composed of the officers (President and Vice-president) from each class, the Student Body President, and four Student Council Representatives from each class (two elected by the class, and two chosen by Student Council). To be eligible to become a candidate for any office of the Taylor High School Student Council, the following requirements must be met:
- Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 with no final grades of “F”;
- 95% quarterly attendance.
- No out-of-school suspensions, alternative school assignments, or expulsions during high school;
- Submit a completed application by the established deadline. The application includes the following:
- An essay on why you want to be an officer/representative
- Two teacher endorsements
- The Student Council Advisor’s endorsement
- Prepare and deliver a campaign speech if requested.
To be eligible to run for Student Body President, individuals must complete all of the above criteria and have a minimum of two years experience serving on student council.
To be eligible to run for Senior Class President or Senior Class Vice-president, individuals must complete all of the above criteria and have a minimum of one-year experience serving on student council.
The requirements for incoming freshmen will be based on their 7th and 8th grade records and teacher endorsements.
Students who run for student council must campaign in a manner that validates their own candidacy and does not disrespect other candidates in any way. Signs must adhere to this guideline and must be approved by the advisor or an administrator. Removal as a candidate may result for any improper behavior as determined by the school administration.
To remain a member of student council, officers and representatives must attend all meetings and all major functions. Any unexcused absences will result in dismissal from Student Council. Any student who is determined by the advisor to not be fulfilling his/her duties may be removed from office at any time. The remaining student council officers, along with the advisor, will select the replacement of an outgoing member.